2019/20FW-32th Spin Expo
編者 / SUSAN  撮影者 / MICHAEL/SUSAN/CANDICE  2018-09-15

This season, AA Global continued the concept of greenhouse in spring and summer, and arranged the

entire booth with the theme of shiny gills.

At the entrance, you can see a tapestry made up of a large number of hair balls. This is a concept of point

painting to create a sunset, the sky shines on the lake, and the creation attracts many customers come and


On the platform below the hanging tapestry, a mushroom steppe is displayed, and the handmade

mushrooms are exquisite and lovely.


The highlight this season is the denim yarn series. Designers put fisherman hats on the walls also two

hand-made handbags, all made by denim yarns with special washing effects. Let denim yarn become

a product that many customers are eager to ask.

On the wall of the internal area, decorated with hair ball ornaments, created by interns of National Chengchi University,

Shih Chien University, Shu-Te University,   National University of Tainan and National Dong Hwa University,

according to this season's AA Global trend color, each one are very eye-catching.

Looking further inside, in the letters of AA GLOBAL, there is a mushroom that grows very cute. These

small ideas bring the finishing touch to the original LOGO.

Three days have passed between the blink of an eye. All the exhibitors took a group photo together to

draw a beautiful ending for the exhibition. The beautiful ending means the next season start, let us see

you next year at spring and summer exhibition!